When trying to purchase items from Japanese websites using a credit card, you might encounter difficulties even if your card works perfectly fine elsewhere. The process is similar to other countries—enter your delivery address and billing address, along with your credit card information. However, sometimes the purchase gets rejected, or your order is canceled. So, what could be causing this?

Reason 1: The Japanese Shop Doesn’t Accept Your Card Brand

While there are many credit card brands worldwide, the most widely accepted are VISA and MasterCard. In Japan, JCB and American Express are also popular, but some Japanese websites may not accept foreign-issued cards, particularly if they are not part of the global VISA or MasterCard network. Before making a purchase, check if the Japanese website supports your card brand.

Reason 2: Differences in Billing Address Format

Foreign-issued credit cards typically have their billing address registered in English, but Japanese websites may require the address to be input in Japanese. Some Japanese websites use an Address Verification System (AVS), where the billing address registered with the card issuer must match the one entered on the website. If the addresses don’t match due to language differences, the purchase may be rejected. In such cases, contact your card issuer to register the address in Japanese, or consider using a different payment method.

Reason 3: Foreign Cards Are Not Accepted

Some Japanese websites only accept credit cards issued in Japan as a security measure to prevent fraud. In these cases, foreign-issued cards may not work, and the billing address might also need to be a domestic Japanese address.


While there are various challenges when using a foreign credit card on Japanese websites, you don’t have to give up on getting the items you want. Proxy Shopping Japan offers a reliable solution with our proxy shopping service. We handle the purchase process for you, ensuring a smooth and worry-free experience. Feel free to contact us anytime for assistance!